  |  01 MAR 2024

“For Me, Food Is A Medium For Creating Life Bonds In A Personal Space”: Daksha Salam - The Guests

Eating together is the pivotal activity around which Imphal-born Daksha Salam’s elaborate gatherings operate. As he prepares to host an exclusive luncheon for Verve, he talks about his early influences and how he’s demystifying North-Eastern cuisine

Daksha Salam and Caroline Zeliang in Caroline’s kitchen

Excerpts from the conversations with the guests at the luncheon….

Caroline Zeliang, 31
Creative and Production Head at Urth Label, a home-grown fashion brand

What drew you to Daksha Salam’s food gatherings?

Food, as a language of love, resonates with me and I believe Daksha and I have been brought up with similar values by our mothers. Sharing our mothers’ recipes and our mutual love towards food cemented our friendship.

When you think of Daksha’s food gatherings, what do they bring to mind?

The wholesomeness with which he cooks is something that is not only seen and tasted in his food but also felt in his presence and through the tablescape that he creates with all his heart.

One of the primary ways we connect with each other is by eating together. Every gathering we have feels like home, a home that is made up of love, friendship and acceptance. The basic reassurance that there is a place for us at this table. We belong here.

Angel Georgina Konthoujam and Yeongchae Lee

Angel Georgina Konthoujam, 31
Development Practitioner

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings?

I love Meitei cuisine. I grew up in a Meitei household eating, cooking and learning how to cook Meitei dishes. Daksha’s lunches and dinners are evocative of my home for me.

Did you have any preconceived notions that changed during the course of the meal?

I am not a big vegetable eater but the bitter gourd chutney on his menu was surprisingly delectable.

How long have you known him and how did you meet?

Daksha and I are cousins. In Manipur, we express a lot of the love and care we have for each other through cooking. When I moved to Delhi two years ago, he inducted me into his “care-fold”. After every night out, he’d cook us an ethnic brunch spread which still remains one of my best memories of friendship and nourishment.

Yeongchae Lee

Ronmi Risom, 27

When and how did you meet Daksha?

The first time I met Daksha was in 2019 when he came over to my place for dinner with a carrot cake and daffodils. We instantly became friends and he invited me to one of his food gatherings. Over the years, we’ve shared food sent from home and eaten countless dinners together.

Yeongchae Lee and David Oh

John Shanagher, 30
Video Editor
Athlone (Ireland)

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings? Did you have any preconceived notions that changed during the course of the meal?

A mutual friend invited me, but I was driven by my curiosity to explore new foods in India, especially made by those who cook out of pure love for food. I thought the food was going to be intricate, but it felt so homely and wholesome, simple and so tasty.

How long have you known him?

We met last year, through a mutual friend.

When you think of Daksha’s food gatherings, what do they bring to mind?

A connected and authentic food experience. Not just about what’s on the plate but also the feeling of the room, the table, and how each element of the space and meal combines into an experience that feels unique to Daksha.

Sawani Kumar

Sawani Kumar, 30
Design Consultant

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings?

It’s always been how Daksha manages to give each element of each dish its due respect, no matter how “simple” it is. His cooking is so honest and there is tremendous beauty in experiencing that.

How long have you known him and how did you meet?

I met Daksha through my closest friend, Caroline [Zeliang], over a meal at her house in 2020.

When you think of Daksha’s food gatherings, what do they bring to mind?

Loved ones, comfort, nostalgia.

Left to right: Juhila Saini, Sawani Kumar and Ronmi Risom

Juhila Saini, 34
Lead Project Manager at a design agency

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings?

It was something that happened organically, with just friends coming together to have food that reminds you of home. Daksha’s food just feeds your soul — if you are having a bad day or a hangover or you just need a bit of warmth in your soul, this is where you should be.

When you think of Daksha’s food gatherings, what do they bring to mind?

We all are all very close and his food connects us together. Soul-satisfying food is rare. I am always put on the spot when people ask me what is your favourite place to eat — it’s not any restaurant, it’s Daksha’s home.

David Oh, 29
Finance Controller

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings?

Food has always been an important part of our friendship. Going out to eat or cooking food in Daksha’s house is par for the course for us.

How long have you known Daksha and how did you meet?

I met Daksha four years ago, when I was travelling for work in Delhi. My school friend went to college with him, and wanted us to meet while she was in town.

John Shanagher

Daniel Ross Chaplin, 30
Humanitarian Worker with the United Nations
Cornwall, England

What drew you to Daksha’s food gatherings?

A lunch invitation from Daksha was too enticing to resist, even with a looming flight from Indira Gandhi International Airport later that day. Undoubtedly a dedicated food enthusiast, Daksha’s passion for culinary arts and hosting shines through in his food gatherings.

How long have you known him and how did you meet?

I’ve been acquainted with Daksha for several years now; our introduction was through his cousin, who happens to be my partner. We met at a restaurant — of course!

When you think of Daksha’s food gatherings, what do they bring to mind?

Daksha’s culinary events are synonymous with delectable North-East Indian cuisine, challenging perceptions of “Indian food” for both foreign nationals and, I suspect, even some Indians themselves. Beyond the exquisite dishes, the gatherings are infused with Daksha’s witty and enjoyable company, making each experience truly memorable.

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